Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kids say the darndest things.

.....and then there is Chantel who started off the day in a real mood this mornng. The icing on the cake was after she refused breakfast and shut herself in the bathroom. I hear a bunch of wailing going on, so I opened the door. There she is on top of the counter, looking at herself in the mirror and wailing while she is brushing her hair. I calmly asked her what the the problem was. Her reply was " I'm having a bad hair day." Now mind you this is a 6 year old. I am guessing the teenage years will be a real treat......(not)


P&A said...

LOL!!!!! THAT'S HILARIOUS!!! Where did she ever hear that??

The J's said...

OOOHHHHhhhhhh My!!! What a hoot! woops...yeah, you are so in for it girl-friend! :D

Heather S said...

HAHAHA!! I'm guessing it'll only get better :)

Heidi said...

My almost 9-year-old boy had a fit this morning because of some hair that was sticking up on the back of his head, so I dabbed some gel on it, which made him more frustrated: "that doesn't work, it's only advertisement!" he declared. We were almost late to meeting because of his "bad hair day". So it's not only girls ;)