Saturday, February 20, 2010

A nice quiet Saturday...........

It is that time of year, where I have to buckle down and do some serious bookkeeping so we can get our taxes done. I don't like this time of year at all but am grateful that I have that deadline to actually catch everything up once a year. Today my family is of playing while I am working so I will post some photos from last October when Autumn and Phil were home. Notice that we even get the son-in-law in the act of making Sunday dinner. Than there is the male bonding time on the couch in 2009. Don't forget, Chantel pretending she is Hannah Montana, so Beau had to join her as a backup singer.
Next Tuesday my youngest and oldest children, will have their birthdays and will be 6 and 27 respectively. This will be the first time in a long time that we have not ate cake for both of them at the same time. Happy Birthday, Kent and we are sorry we don't get to celebrate with you this year! We have a lot of other things going on on Tuesday so we celebrated Chantel's birthday on Thursday night with one set of grandparents. We will probably have another small celebration next Wed. so the birthday will last longer. If this allows me to I will post a video of Dale's chorus singing at the funeral of the wife of one of his barbershop friends. The quality of the video is not so good as I was in the back of the room and it was my little camera but the sound wasn't bad considering it was in a sound deadening funeral chapel. The hubby who is a very good friend of Dale's, sang with the chorus, and I think it was a really good release for him.


P&A said...

I love that picture of Beau singing back up ... lol! No shame! :)

Anita said...

sweet pix!

Heather S said...

quiet saturdays are always fun! (I need to get our taxes finished too..)

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