Sunday, October 18, 2009

Looking forward to the next 3 weeks.

We had awesome days at convention, but were fully tested with sick kids in the following three weeks. There wasn't much for pics to post with kids looking at the toilet, lying in bed with high fevers, and the worst of it was Summer had hives from head to foot for 10 days.The pictures of Summer were before her hives peaked. We had two trips to urgent care and 3 to the doctor. Finally we are better and are looking forward to Autumn and Phil coming home this coming week. Dale has his district barbershop competition and the kids have vacation at the end of the month. I am looking forward to it all.
I spent yesterday making good on a promise that I made to a friend of ours 3 years ago, two months before we bought our second store. It was to scrapbook a wedding album and I had no idea how life would change for me in such a short time. I just spent the whole day getting it done so that I could finally give it to these friends. One more thing off the check list.
Our kids had fun carving pumpkins his week. Dale saw some huge pumpkins at festival and just had to buy some. He was going to help carve them but only did half of it. I wound up helping the little ones cut their drawing out.


Heather S said...

Aww.. poor girl! I hear ya about sick kids. Sometimes I wish our 4 would share germs like they DON"T share toys!

The J's said...

Wow, 3 weeks of sickies doesn't sound fun AT ALL!! No one has been sick here yet, if we can just make it past this next weekend when we're planning to go to ND to see Dalayna, I'll be happy!
Good job on the scrapbooking!

Anita said...

the hives would have been scary... hope there's no repeat of that!